Patient Charter


Our Practice is fully computerised, maintaining accurate medical records and registered under the Date Protection Act and GDPR compliant. Please help us by advising as soon as possible of changes of name, address and telephone number.


Right to Complain

We always try to give you the best service possible but there may be times when you feel this has not happened. If you have a complaint you must first bring it to the attention of one of our staff. If the matter cannot be resolved on the spot and you wish to take if further, please telephone or write to our Complaints Manager who will deal with it in the best possible way.


Violence and Abuse

The Practice will not tolerate violence and verbal abuse towards any member of staff. Violent and abusive patients will be reported to the Police and removed from the Doctors List.


Comments and Suggestions

We would welcome any comments and suggestions regarding our services but please understand that comments are not complaints and will not be dealt with as one.